Village News

Christmas Lights


Hayle - Sub Categories

130411 | A30 roundabout at Hayle set to get £170,000 upgrade | This is Cornwall

As seen in The Cornishman Thursday, April 11, 2013  read more »

Regular Club Listings

Updated 9 October 2018 (listings from Issue #141: October/November 2018

Bridge Club Every Monday at Carbis
Bay Memorial Hall 2-5 pm. Beginners
welcome £2 inc. tea & biscuits.
Enq: Graham 01736 762512

Hayle in Bloom. Last Mon. of the
month, (not Aug & Dec) Passmore
Edwards Institute 7pm.
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A Safe Crossing For Caleb Hollow

Caleb Hollow aged 11 years old lost his life crossing the busy road at Loggans to catch his school bus back in December 2012. Since then his parents Dawn and Adam Chapman have been campaigning for a crossing to be placed at the bottom of Loggans Estate to ensure another tragedy doesn’t happen again, bearing in mind another child a few years ago lost their life at the same place.  read more »

130301 | Nominations for THE MAYOR’S ANNUAL AWARDS by 3 May 2013 | Hayle Town Council

From Hayle Town Council website 1 March 2013:



130401 | Footpath 51 Jubilee Path Project | Hayle Town Council

From Hayle Town Council via Hayle Pump 108 - 1 April 2013:
Footpath 51
Jubilee Path Project
The Jubilee Project "Footpath 51" between the east end of the King George v Me
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Council Corner April & May 2013

Via April 2013

Council Corner

April & May 2013

Town and Parish Council Elections  read more »

Walking - Hayle Area

See also Gwithian and Walking

Hayle has joined Walkers are Welcome  read more »