Village News

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Hayle - Sub Categories



Cornwall Wildlife Trust | Home

The Trust is a registered charity and is the only organisation dedicated to the conservation of the Cornish environment and its wildlife.  read more »

130131 | Turbine set to guard St Ives Bay | This is Cornwall


Turbine set to guard St Ives Bay

Thursday, January 31, 2013

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130131 | Old sluice gates on verge of being thrown away | This is Cornwall

As reported in The Cornishman/West Briton

Old sluice gates on verge of being thrown away

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Western Morning News  read more »

All Roads Lead To Carnsew | Hayle Pump

From Hayle Pump December 2012/January 2013
Carnsew….Dark Cliff…..a fifty foot high cliff of black basalt rock, which stood, and still stands, though transformed into the Plantation, on the southern shore of the Hayle estuary commanding an uninterrupted view of the harbour entrance.
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130104 | News from John Pollard Cornwall Councillor Hayle North


Happy New Year!

2012 was a very eventful and dare I say successful year for Hayle. The new year will make its own impression but we know that certain challenges are ahead:  read more »

Condition 30 overturned - PA12/10064 | Variation of condition 30 attached to decision notice PA10/08142 to allow for 30% of the

Approved with conditions - PA12/10064 | Variation of condition 30 attached to decision notice PA10/08142 to allow for 30% of the permitted net sales area to be used for the sale of comparison goods. | South Quay Hayle Cornwall

Decision Notice  03/01/2013  read more »