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130228 | The sluice gates that once controlled the flow from Copperhouse Pool have been saved | John Bennett

From John Bennett's website 28 February 2013:


28 February 2013. The sluice gates that once controlled the flow from Copperhouse Pool have been saved thanks to an initiative by Cllr. Anne-Marie Rance and Hayle gardener Mike Kemp. They are shown here being installed on the King George V Memorial Walk thanks to North Quay contractors Carillion.

130228 | News from John Bennett Hayle Town Councillor


28 February 2013. The sluice gates that once controlled the flow from Copperhouse Pool have been saved thanks to an initiative by Cllr. Anne-Marie Rance and Hayle gardener Mike Kemp. They are shown here being installed on the King George V Memorial Walk thanks to North Quay contractors Carillion.

130228 | BBC News - Hayle to display its old sluice gates


Hayle to display its old sluice gates

One of the old sluice gates The gates will be on show near the river
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