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Hayle Neighbourhood Plan - Penwith District Saved Plans

The old Penwith Local Plan is to be replaced with a new Neighbourhood Plan for more information see

Penwith District - Saved Policies

Last updated: 29/10/2013 Add to My Bookmarks Subscribe


Until a Local Plan for Cornwall is prepared, planning policy in use within the Penwith District area at the 31 March 2009 will continue to have some weight. The weight will vary with the degree to which the Policy is still relevant in terms of evidence and National Policy.

Saved Policies

The Penwith District Local Plan was adopted in February 2004, and a number of policies from this document were "saved" by the Secretary of State in September 2007 (Schedule, Secretary of State Direction, and Explanatory Note).

If you have any queries about which policies apply to a proposed application in the area formerly known as Penwith please contact a member of the Planning Team at the address to the right of this page.

In addition to the Local Plan, a number of other documents (Supplementary Planning Guidance and Other Material Considerations should also be considered as they supplement the policies and proposals of the Local Plan.

The Penwith District Local Plan text, policies and maps are available interactively on this Web Site.

The Penwith District Local Plan "saved" policies are:

Policy No. Name
ST1 Plan strategy
GD1 Integration of development with surroundings
GD2 Design and layout of development
GD3 Incorporation of landscaping and planting within development
GD4 Provision for drainage/water supply and prevention of pollution/flooding
GD5 Requirements for safe movement of traffic
GD6 Control of advertisements and signs
GD7 Conversion of non-residential buildings
GD8 Conversion of buildings of local significance
CC1 Protection of landscape character etc.
CC2 Proposals involving interpretation of landscape character etc.
CC4 Conservation and enhancement of Heritage Coast
CC5 Protection of Areas of Great Landscape Value
CC6 Protection of Special Area of Conservation/Special Protection Area
CC7 Protection of Sites of Special Scientific Interest
CC8 Protection of Areas of Great Scientific Value, County Wildlife Sites, County Geological Sites, Ancient Woodland Sites and Local Nature Reserves
CC9 Protection of protected species or habitat
CC10 Protection of integrity/continuity of landscape features and habitats of major importance for wild flora and fauna
CC11 Creation and management of landscape features and habitats of major importance for wild flora and fauna
CC12 Prevention of loss or damage to significant trees, woodlands, hedgerows and Cornish hedges
CC13 Control/management of tree planting and hedgerow schemes
CC14 Protection of the shoreline and coastal waters
CC15 Protection of Scheduled Ancient Monuments and other nationally important archaeological remains
CC16 Protection of areas of great historic value/archaeological remains of county importance
CC17 Protection of Historic parks and Gardens
CC18 Reclamation of derelict land/improvement of unsightly land
TV1 Focus of development on main towns, maximisation of use of previously developed land, protection of character/setting
TV2 Protection of environmental value of specified open areas
TV3 Protection of open areas within towns and villages
TV4 Prevention of loss of/damage to tress
TV5 Tree planting schemes
TV7 Redevelopment or alteration of shops or other commercial premises
TV8 Control of advertisements within conservation areas
TV9 Control of PVC-U and other non-traditional replacement windows and doors within conservation areas subject to article 4 direction
TV13 Retention of traditional shop fronts
TV14 Protection of Historic Settlements
TV15 Re-use of previously developed (potentially contaminated) land
TV16 Focus on major retail, office, entertainment, leisure and community developments within main towns
TV17 Control of edge-of-centre/out-of-centre shopping facilities
TV18 Control of non-retail uses with Prime Shopping Areas of Penzance and St Ives
TV19 Control of retail, offices and other non-retail uses in town centres
TV20 Prevention of loss of village or neighbourhood shops
TVA Proposed redevelopment of former Cornwall Farmers Ltd site, Penzance
TV21 Control of development fronting Jennings Street
TV22 Control of development within Bread Street area, Penzance
TV23 Control of development of harbour car park, Penzance
TV24 Control of development of harbourside area, Penzance
TVB Proposed provision of improved facilities for cargo handling
TVC Reservation of Jubilee Pool with land between the pool and Battery Road
TV25 Control of hot food take-away outlets in St Ives
TVD Proposed development of South Quay, Foundry Yard and South Quay, Hayle
TVE Proposed development of Foundry area, Hayle
TV26 Control of number of residential or holiday units on Harvey's Towans, Hayle
H1 Requirements for housing provision in Penwith
H2 Control of intensification of residential use
H3 Development control on previously developed land and small greenfield sites in towns
H4 Development of small sites in St Just
H5 Development of small sites within smaller towns and larger villages
H6 Development of sites for 1/2 dwellings within smaller villages
H7 Prohibition of development, bar conversion of suitable existing buildings in specified villages
H8 Development outside towns and villages
H9 Replacement dwellings outside towns and villages
H10 Sub-division of dwellings/change of use to multiple occupancy
H11 Conversion of non-residential to dwellings
H12 Conversion of vacant or under-used space above town centre premises to residential use
H13 Requirements for negotiated element of affordable housing
H14 Requirements for secure arrangements for retention/occupancy of affordable housing
H15 Development of 'rural exception sites' for affordable housing
H16 Development of residential care and nursing homes within towns and villages
H17 Development of gypsy sites
H18 Design and layout of residential development
HA Affordable housing at Penwith Street and Cross Street, Penzance
HC Redevelopment of area at Alexandra Road - Western Promenade for housing
HD Redevelopment of area at Queens Street for housing
HE Conversion of building at Chywoone Hill, Newlyn for housing
HF Redevelopment behind Madison Terrace and Beatrice Terrace, Hayle
HG Redevelopment behind Copper Terrace, Hayle
HJ Redevelopment of area adjacent to Old Stennack School
E1 Industrial and business development
E2 Industrial and business development on town edges
E3 Industrial and business development on smaller town edges
E4 Conversion of buildings for industrial and business use
E5 Prevention of irreversible loss of high grade agricultural land
E6 Farm diversification projects
E7 Development essential to agriculture and forestry industries
E8 Development directly related to fishing industry
E9 Change of use of industrial sites
EA Area to east of creamery at St Erth
EB Area south of the railway line at St Erth station
EC Area south of the railway line at St Erth station
ED North of sewage works St Erth
E10 Change of use of industrial land and buildings
EE Western end of Chy an dour Coombe
EF Area in Chy an dour Coombe
EG Eastern end of Chy an dour Coombe
EH West of Gulval
EJ Ludgvan Lease
EK The Creamery at St Erth
E11 Industrial and business development
TM1 Development related to tourism
TM2 Control of loss of holiday accommodation
TM3 Development of hotels and other new build holiday accommodation
TM4 Additional provision for caravans and tents
TM5 Holiday accommodation within Towans area
TM6 Conditional control of proposals for holiday accommodation
TM7 Improvement of existing holiday sites
TM8 Replacement chalets, extensions or other structures within Gwithian Towans
TM9 Replacement chalets, extensions or other structures within Riviere Towans
TM10 Visitor attractions in or on the edge of small towns and villages
TM11 Development of visitor centre at Geevor Mine
TM12 Conversion of buildings to visitor attractions or holiday accommodation
TM13 Conversion of an existing building as a camping barn
R1 New or improved recreational and sports facilities
RB Outdoor sports provision adjacent to St Ives RFC
R2 Provision of children’s play space to serve residential development
RC Proposal to reserve children’s play space
R3 Development resulting in a loss of existing or proposed open areas in formal or informal recreational use
R4 Development affecting the recreational value of areas
R5 Recreational facilities in the countryside
R6 Informal recreational activities and access to countryside
R7 Stable accommodation
R8 Facilitation of water related recreation
R9 Recreational facilities
TP1 Transportation proposals
TP2 Public transport facilities
TPA Proposal to reserve an area at The Malakoff, St Ives for a ‘bus station’
TPB Penzance bus station
TP3 Development on operational railway land
TP4 Control efficient and safe operation of port and harbour
TP5 Cycle routes and parking facilities
TP6 Protection of routes
TP7 Control of development which would affect existing rights of way
TP8 Road improvement schemes
TP9 Roadside facilities
TP10 Transhipment facilities
TP11 New and improved town centre rear access arrangements
TP12 Control of car parking provision in development
TP13 New car parks
CS1 New or improved community facilities
CS2 Loss of existing community facilities
CS3 Provision of recycling collection facilities
CS4 Floodplains and areas at risk from flooding
CS5 Control of proposals affecting quality of groundwater
CS6 Surface water disposal, rainwater harvesting and sustainable drainage systems
CS8 Control of proposals for development which would affect watercourses or the coast, etc
CS9 Renewable energy schemes
CS10 Wind turbines or wind farms
CS11 Telecommunications equipment