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130822 | Should Hayle harbour become a private or community enterprise? | This is Cornwall


Should Hayle harbour become a private or community enterprise?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Cornishman

A CONSULTATION over the future ownership of Hayle harbour could start as early as next month.

Dutch multi-national ING, which owns the harbour, is asking residents to come forward to take part in the discussion on the transfer of the harbour and land to a community body.

Should Hayle harbour become a private or community enterprise?

The consultation will revolve around ownership being granted to either a trust or private enterprise or alternatively the option to create a municipal port.

The group which takes on the running of the harbour will be responsible for its structure and operation.

ING spokesman Gary Cartmell said: " I hope to get as many interested people as possible, we can't be exclusive. At the end of the day we want it to be successful. The challenge is to make the rest of the harbour look like North Quay."

Assets that could be put into public ownership include land, giving access to the railway station; land around Copperhouse Pool, including Wilson's Pool and the Triangular Spit; a garden strip in Penpol Terrace; the north side of Isis gardens; the harbour office, walkways around the quay; moorings; Paddy's Mill; and Carnsew Quay.

One of the groups keen to take on the role is the Hayle Harbour Trust (HHT), a charity dedicated to restoring the harbour for the community.

In a meeting held last month with Hayle Residents' Association, which was attended by around 80 people, the trust outlined its proposal to take over the harbour and land and run it in line with the Trust Port recommendations, defined by the Department of Transport.

The trust proposed that the Hayle Harbour Advisory Committee (HHAC), which is comprised of all major stakeholders in the harbour, including the town council and Cornwall Council members, would be the membership body which oversees HHT's running of the harbour.

HHT chairman, John Bennett, said its plans, supported by HHAC, would provide a realistic option for the ownership.

He said: "It provides for solid management, which will be required given the state the harbour is now in. It provides control by harbour stakeholders while preventing any pressure group from taking control."

Mr Bennett acknowledged that the biggest issue facing the trust would be to make the harbour financially sustainable.

The trust has recently been working with ING on the details of the World Heritage Site levy that would be paid by every property being developed in the harbour area. ING has estimated the levy from commercial properties, homes and harbour dues could generate up to £200,000 a year.

Mr Bennett said: "We know what needs to be done and we are willing to do it.

"As a charity, none of us will benefit in any way – except seeing our dreams finally come to fruition."

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