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151211 | Marine Renewables Business Park Complete


Marine Renewables Business Park Complete

December 11, 2015

Building work has completed on the Marine Renewables Business Park (MRBP) in Hayle, which has been created to strengthen Cornwall’s growing marine renewables sector.

The new business park is designed to accommodate companies in the growing marine energy sector and is built on the site of a former coal-fired power station at North Quay in Hayle, now owned by Cornwall Council.

MRBP will offer 2,500 sq metres of managed workspace including a two storey modern office building comprising seven offices with Superfast fibre Broadband and seven light industrial units varying in size from 180 to 220 m2.

The workspaces, which are built to BREEAM Excellent rating, will be available for occupation from December 2015 and will be suited to businesses working within and supporting the marine energy and marine technology sectors. Around 120 new jobs will be created. All enquiries should be directed to Estates Delivery, Cornwall Council 01872 324875.

The project forms part of a comprehensive regeneration of Hayle which has planning permission for over 800 homes and included the ERDF funded works on North Quay which delivered a new road bridge, construction of a new road, flood protection works and repair of the harbour walls which were necessary to improve the harbour and provide access prior to construction of MRBP.

Hayle is already home to Wave Hub Ltd, which operates the world’s largest marine energy test site 10 miles from the North Cornwall coast.

MRBP and Wave Hub are vital elements of the Offshore Renewables Development Programme, a wider programme of work that aims to enable and accelerate the commercial realisation of offshore renewable energy within Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly and Plymouth from initial concept, through development and testing to launching the product in the marketplace.

The Devon & Cornwall division of Midas Construction won the contract to build the business park, which is part of the £24 million investment by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Cornwall Council and the Government in the regeneration of Hayle Harbour.

Hayle MRBP is being developed as part of a collaborate package of investment in Hayle Harbour and North Quay, with £11.6million of funding from the ERDF, an £8million investment by Cornwall Council, and £4.25million from the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC), and the project is being managed by the Cornwall Development Company, the economic development company of Cornwall Council.

John Pollard, Councillor for Hayle North and Leader of Cornwall Council said: “This new business park will cement Cornwall’s position at the forefront of the development of marine energy, and as the local councillor I am proud to see Hayle – which is already home to Wave Hub – playing such an important part in this fast-growing industry.”

John Coombe, Councillor for Hayle South said: “Today is a very important day for Hayle Harbour and the town. The Wave Hub Project has now come to fruition and the scheme harnessing power from the sea is ready to go forward. It has also great advantages for Hayle by offering new marine facilities, offices, warehousing and storage facilities. Which is appropriate regarding Hayle`s past and the thriving Harbour it once was.

May I sincerely thank all those who have worked tirelessly to make this project become a reality and I wish it every success for the future.”

Chris Pomfret, Chairman of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly LEP said: “The new business park will further enhance what we can offer the marine renewables industry, which has an important role to play in the future economy of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly because of its potential to create quality well-paid jobs while using our natural resources to transition to a low carbon economy.”

Andy McAdam, Divisional Director for Midas Construction in Devon and Cornwall, said: “We are proud to have been Cornwall Council’s chosen Design & Build contractor for this cutting edge new business park, which has been built to BREEAM excellent rating for energy efficiency. As a local construction company, Midas has been well placed to support apprenticeship schemes and create jobs in the local area through our network of sub-contractors, as well as being committed to providing training opportunities to help local people explore career opportunities in the construction industry.”

Stuart Farmer, Offshore Renewables Development Programme Manager at Cornwall Council, said: “Investment in the development of the Hayle Marine Renewables Business Park offers a stunning new addition to the wide range of facilities available to those businesses and organisations looking to get involved in the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly growing Marine Renewable sector. Complementing historic investment in enabling infrastructure, the availability of high quality workspace forms another important element towards achieving the goals for Marine Renewable growth as set out in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Marine Renewable Road Map. Delivery of the business park underlines the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly LEP and Cornwall Council’s commitment to the establishment of robust long term foundations that are designed to support the Marine Renewables sector and its vibrant supply chain achieve the next steps towards future commercialisation”

More information

Business Workspace visit

Marine Renewables Business Park

Offshore Renewables Development Plan visit

The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Marine Renewables Road Map was launched by Secretary of State for Defra in May 2015 and highlights the importance of Hayle MRBP within the wider ‘MRE development pathway’ available to inward investors to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Project Investment:

ERDF: £11,637,072

Cornwall: Council £ 8,000,000

BIS/DECC: £ 4,250,000

Total investment: £23,887,072

For more information about ERDF visit