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Hayle - Sub Categories

131014 | News from John Pollard Cornwall Councillor Hayle North



I have been somewhat neglectful in maintaining this part of my website - need must I am afraid as I am totally immersed in Cornwall business and while \i priorities a day a week to deal with Hayle issues writing up my 'latest' is time that is difficult to find.  read more »

131010 | Experience: We can make it work | This is Cornwall:


Experience: We can make it work

Thursday, October 10, 2013  read more »

131010 | 10 October 2013. Cornishman Asks "Who Should Run the Harbour?"

From 10 October 2013:
10 October 2013. Cornishman Asks "Who Should Run the Harbour?"
The Cornishman today ran side-by-side views, one from the Hayle Harbour Trust and one from the Hayle Harbour Trust. This is what we said:

John Bennett, chairman of Hayle Harbour Trust, says the running of the harbour should be transferred to a community group.  read more »

131010 | Solution: Why reinvent the wheel? | This is Cornwall


Solution: Why reinvent the wheel?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Cornishman

Jim Wright, a member of Hayle Harbour Support Group, explains why the group believes the harbour should be council-run.  read more »

131007 | £12m B&K Restoration on Cornish Waterfront:


131005 | Letters : Questions on fire station

Seen in The Cornishman Thursday 5 October 2013

Questions on fire station

THERE are inaccuracies in The Cornishman's report about planning approval, granted with conditions on September 23, for a fire station in Hayle.  read more »

Hayle Neighbourhood Plan - Penwith District Saved Plans

The old Penwith Local Plan is to be replaced with a new Neighbourhood Plan for more information see  read more »