Village News

Christmas Lights


Hayle - Sub Categories

REFUSAL: PA14/00532 | Erection of retail development comprising Class A1 and Class A3 and/or A1 units, including all associated


1 The proposed development would be in part sited within Flood Zone 2 and Flood
Zone 3a. The National Planning Policy Framework requires that development
should be directed away from areas at highest risk of flooding and where
development is to be sited on land at risk of flooding that a sequential test is
undertaken to identify whether other sites are available which are at a lower risk  read more »

141216 | Hayle Rugby Club site - application PA14/02920 SECOND LETTER BEFORE ACTION

Via [please note this has been run through an OCR so check original]

Ashfords LLP
Ashford House
Grenadier Road T: +44 (0)1392 337000
0 S h S Exeter F: +44 (0)1392 337001
5x1 3LH DX 150000 Exeter 24

16 December 2014

Your Ref:

Our Ref. .JWB/GJC/235988-00009


Direct Dial: 01392 33 3842
Direct Fax: 01392 33 3174

Karen Jackson
Group Manager
Cornwall Council
Dolcoath Avenue

By email and post:  read more »

RECOMMENDATION | Strategic Planning Committee | PA14/02920 - Appendix 1 , item 6.2 pdf icon PDF 72 KB




This is a report of a major planning application for retail led development proposed to be located in Hayle, west Cornwall. The planning application has been submitted in ‘outline’ form with all matters reserved except access. The proposal is for 15,600 square metres of floorspace and represents a significant addition to retail space at Marsh Lane where the West Cornwall Retail Park is located. The proposal would require the relocation of the Hayle Rugby Football Club to a site to the north east which already benefits from planning permission for a new sports facility.  read more »

RECOMMENDATION | Strategic Planning Committee | PA14 - 00532 - Appendix 1 , item 6.1 pdf icon PDF 707 KB

Authority is delegated to the Head of Planning and Enterprise to approve Application Number PA14/00532 subject to:
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141209 | Email 09/12/2014 Amethyst

Via [please note an OCR has been used so please check original]

Your ref:
Our ref: MAS/Hayle
Direct tel: 07818553499 3

9th December 2014
By Email and Post

Mr J. Content
Senior Development Officer
Planning Housing and Regeneration
Cornwall Council
Dolcoath Avenue
TR14 88X

Dear Jeremy  read more »

141127 | Details on Walker Developments proposed Expansion to West Cornwall Retail Park

Via email from Richard Walker  read more »

141016 | Cornwall Site Allocations DPD Town Framework Neighbourhood Plan | Hayle Neighbourhood Plan | Hayle Town Council

via [please note this is from an OCR please check original for definitive version]  read more »