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Hayle - Sub Categories

PA20/05161 | Reserved Matters application for construction 377 residential units; 598 sqm retail (Class A1-A5)

Location Map
Character Area
Spine Road
Hitel and Sports Hub
Diverted footpaths
Footbridge location
Key public open space framework principles
Land Use
Key stretch of ‘Linear Waterfront’ connecting the town to the beach  and also two key areas identified within the Design Code - North Quay Entrance Space (3E), North Quay Waterfront Space (3F)
Illustrative Masterplan
Layout - Reserved Matters Area-Stable Block, Eastern Gateway,East Quay And Chieftain’S Yard

PA20/05161 | Reserved Matters application for the construction of 377 residential units; 598 sqm retail (Class A1-A5 and sui generis floorspace; 2,407 sqm of business (Class B1) and industrial and fish storage (Class B2 and B8) floorspace; a 4,409 sqm hotel (Class C1); 2,275 sqm of community and cultural (Class D1) floorpsace and sports and leisure (Class D2) floorspace; and associated access, parking and public open space. The original Outline consent (W1/08-0613) was an environment impact assessment application and an environmental statement was submitted to Cornwall Council at that time. (Details following application no. pursuant to Outline permission PA13/01370).  read more »

200611 | Work under way for new spine road at North Quay

Work under way for new spine road at North Quay

Work under way for new spine road at North Quay

11 June 2020

An environmental initiative is under way to monitor and protect local wildlife as part of the latest phase in the regeneration of Hayle Harbour.

Environmentalists and ecologists are working alongside the construction team at the site of the North Quay development as preparations are made for a new spine road as part of the transformation of the area into an exciting and vibrant new coastal destination for West Cornwall.  read more »

200622 | Car crashes through wall - The Causeway The collision has resulted in serious damage

Car crashes through wall - live updates

The collision has resulted in serious damage  read more »

200622 | Footpaths - help needed! | Harvey's Towans area, Hayle Cricket | John Bennett's Web Site

From John Bennett's Web Site for Hayle Town Council and Local Issues, Cornwall

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200602 | Man rescued from River Hayle by surf life savers on Porth Kidney

200602 | Swimmer's life saved by wardens at Hayle Beach