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210114 | Fishing: Resign over this cruel hoax; Brexiteer Tory MPs ridiculed for starting to demand “compensatory measures”

Fishing: Resign over this cruel hoax

 Sheryll Murray MP (Conservative, South East Cornwall)

Brexiteer Tory MPs ridiculed for starting to demand “compensatory measures” for fishermen

Former Shadow Fishing Minister and St Ives MP Andrew George has ridiculed Brexiteer Tory MPs who have started to demand “compensatory measures” for fishermen and fish merchants.

The deal that the UK struck with the EU over fishing rights was called a ‘betrayal’ by the Cornish Fish Producers Organisation. There has been widespread chaos within the industry since January 1st with reports of fish rotting on quaysides and lorries stuck for days at Dover.

In parliament last week George Eustice called these teething problems.

In that debate Sheryll Murray asked George Eustice “My constituent Andrew Trust, the owner of Ocean Harvest, is finding that the high cost of border control charges, export health certificates, the need for a fiscal representative in France and the uncertainty that his fish will reach the buyer in the EU poses a real threat to his business. What compensating measures will the Government put in place?”

 Andrew George

Andrew said today “Without even a hint of irony I note that some Conservative MPs like Sheryll Murray have been demanding “compensatory measures” for those adversely impacted by the cruel hoax of undeliverable promises made to the fishing industry.

“For once I agree with her. Those adversely affected by this unacceptable dishonesty and the impact this is having on the viability of their businesses do deserve ‘compensatory measures'”.



Andrew suggests that the first step would be for South East Cornwall MP Mrs Murray, Camborne and Redruth MP and Secretary of State for DEFRA George Eustice and “should apologise and resign their seats.” He says this should apply to “all the Tory Brexit supporting MPs who must have known they were seriously misleading the public”.

He then suggests they should financially compensate the fishermen and merchants from their own pockets.

“After all, why should the taxpayers – especially those who warned them and pointed to their lies – foot their bill?” asks Mr George.

“I’m surprised that Tory Brexiteers should have the brazen gall to complain. Many others are keeping their heads down and resorting to the usual tactics of reputation laundering themselves with soft photo-opportunities or charity-washing themselves instead.

“Of course I could point to the many occasions when I predicted we’d have this outcome. Not that it required blinding 20-20 foresight to do this. Any simple seeker after truth could have done this for themselves.”