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191001 – Former Hawkins Motors Site via Hayle Pump

Hawkins on Google View from Hayle Town Council

Update on the former Hawkins Motors Site –Hayle Terrace

Despite several promises and assurances from the owners and developers of the site the land has not yet been formally transferred to the Town Council as originally agreed. It is both disappointing and frustrating that the developers have not upheld their side of the agreement and cleared the site to an acceptable condition in readiness for transfer.  read more »

191015 | Hayle Town Council | Cornwall Community Governance Reviews




Council Corner
October and November 2019

Cornwall Council’s Community Governance Review

Following the Boundary Review that occurred last year, Cornwall Council is now part way through a consultation looking at all parish and town boundaries and warding arrangements throughout the county. Hayle Town Council made an initial submission to Cornwall Council, as part of the first phase of the consultation.

Hayle Town Council agreed that it was neither appropriate nor relevant to consider the potential impact of moving houses in or out of its parish in terms of Council Tax, it based its proposals purely on which community the residents of the properties would most identify with.  read more »

191015 | Wanted: gentlemen footballers of a generous girth

1985 | A30 Hayle by-pass | Land acquisition and compensation | Total estimated cost including works

Road Works (Compensation)

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Written Scheme of Investigation for Archaeological Mitigation | Wessex Archaeology


2.1.1 The following archaeological background is largely drawn from the archaeological
deskbased assessment prepared by CgMs Ltd for the site in 2014 (CgMs 2014) and the Cornwall
and Scilly Historic Environment Record (HER). An updated HER search was undertaken in
July 2019
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