Village News

Christmas Lights


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« December 27, 2013 - January 27, 2014 »
12 / 27
12 / 28
12 / 29
12 / 30
12 / 31
01 / 1
01 / 2
01 / 3
Start: 10:00
End: 12:00
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre.
01 / 4
01 / 5
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am.
01 / 6
01 / 7
Start: 08:00
End: 17:00
The Angarrack Christmas Lights NEED YOUR HELP! To start taking down the lights in the village and getting them ready to put back in storage. Meet at the crossroads starting from 8am. Everybody welcome!
01 / 8
01 / 9
Start: 14:00
End: 16:30

Angarrack's fortnightly hobby afternoon takes place today between 2pm and 4.30pm at the Angarrack Community Centre.

Come along and bring something that you enjoy doing or just come along for a chat and a cup of tea!

Admission is £2. All welcome.

01 / 10
01 / 11
Start: 08:00
End: 17:00
The Angarrack Christmas Lights NEED YOUR HELP! To finish taking down the lights in the village and placing them back in storage. Meet at the crossroads starting from 8am. Everybody welcome!
01 / 12
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am. The preacher today will be Mr Matthew Care.
01 / 13
01 / 14
01 / 15
01 / 16
01 / 17
Start: 10:00
End: 12:00
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre.
01 / 18
01 / 19
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am. The preacher today will be Mr Alan Rose.
01 / 20
01 / 21
01 / 22
01 / 23
Start: 14:00
End: 16:30

Angarrack's fortnightly hobby afternoon takes place today between 2pm and 4.30pm at the Angarrack Community Centre.

Come along and bring something that you enjoy doing or just come along for a chat and a cup of tea!

Admission is £2. All welcome.

01 / 24
01 / 25
01 / 26
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am. The preacher today will be Reverend Andrew Sowden when the Lord's Supper will be celebrated.
01 / 27
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