Village News

Christmas Lights


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« March 21, 2013 - April 21, 2013 »
03 / 21
03 / 22
Start: 10:00
End: 12:00
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre.
03 / 23
03 / 24
Start: 12:00
End: 14:00

The Famous Angarrack Inn

£6.95 Sunday Roast

Quality Roast Meat with Roast Potatoes, Yorkshire

Pudding, Fresh Vegetables and REAL Gravy

Served Every Sunday 12-2pm from Sunday 10th February

Taking Bookings Now

Start: 11:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am. The preacher this Sunday will be Mr W Barber of St Ives.
Start: 12:00
End: 14:00

The Famous Angarrack Inn

£6.95 Sunday Roast

Quality Roast Meat with Roast Potatoes, Yorkshire

Pudding, Fresh Vegetables and REAL Gravy

Served Every Sunday 12-2pm

Taking Bookings Now

Start: 20:30

Pub Quiz every Sunday 8:30pm

£1 per person to play and the winning team takes the pot!

Play Your Cards Right folllows the quiz.

Start: 20:30
End: 22:30

Pub Quiz every Sunday 8:30pm

£1 per person to play and the winning team takes the pot!

Play Your Cards Right folllows the quiz.

03 / 25
03 / 26
03 / 27
03 / 28
Start: 07:00

This week is refuse and Garden Waste Collection.


NB Garden Waste is now an additional cost and the compost is still not freely available.

Start: 14:00
End: 16:30

Angarrack's fortnightly hobby afternoon takes place today between 2pm and 4.30pm at the Angarrack Community Centre.

Come along and bring something that you enjoy doing or just come along for a chat and a cup of tea!

Admission is £2. All welcome.

03 / 29
03 / 30
03 / 31
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am. The preacher today – Easter Day – will be Reverend S Bales when the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated.
Start: 12:00
End: 14:00

The Famous Angarrack Inn

£6.95 Sunday Roast

Quality Roast Meat with Roast Potatoes, Yorkshire

Pudding, Fresh Vegetables and REAL Gravy

Served Every Sunday 12-2pm from Sunday 10th February

Taking Bookings Now

Start: 12:00
End: 14:00

The Famous Angarrack Inn

£6.95 Sunday Roast

Quality Roast Meat with Roast Potatoes, Yorkshire

Pudding, Fresh Vegetables and REAL Gravy

Served Every Sunday 12-2pm

Taking Bookings Now

Start: 20:30

Pub Quiz every Sunday 8:30pm

£1 per person to play and the winning team takes the pot!

Play Your Cards Right folllows the quiz.

04 / 1
04 / 2
04 / 3
04 / 4
Start: 16:00
End: 19:00
Precept Surgeries

Following on from the report in the Cornishman on the 31st January regarding Hayle Town Council’s Precept, the Council has again decided to hold two sessions where members of the public can receive further information relating to the Precept and the proposed increase.

The first of these will take place on Thursday 21st February 2013 from 4pm to 7pm and the second will be held on Thursday 4th April 2013 following the delivery of the demand at the end of March.

04 / 5
Start: 10:00
End: 12:00
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre.
04 / 6
04 / 7
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am. The preacher today will be Mrs Jane Mills.
Start: 12:00
End: 14:00

The Famous Angarrack Inn

£6.95 Sunday Roast

Quality Roast Meat with Roast Potatoes, Yorkshire

Pudding, Fresh Vegetables and REAL Gravy

Served Every Sunday 12-2pm from Sunday 10th February

Taking Bookings Now

Start: 20:30

Pub Quiz every Sunday 8:30pm

£1 per person to play and the winning team takes the pot!

Play Your Cards Right folllows the quiz.

04 / 8
04 / 9
04 / 10
04 / 11
Start: 07:00

This week is refuse and Garden Waste Collection.


NB Garden Waste is now an additional cost and the compost is still not freely available.

Start: 14:00
End: 16:30

Angarrack's fortnightly hobby afternoon takes place today between 2pm and 4.30pm at the Angarrack Community Centre.

Come along and bring something that you enjoy doing or just come along for a chat and a cup of tea!

Admission is £2. All welcome. This week there will be a Floral Art Display on show.

04 / 12
04 / 13
Start: 19:00

Ahoy Mateys!

Pirate Party  Sat.

Start: 19:30

Hayle Film Club - our Next Screening will be on Saturday, 13 April at 7:30pm in the Passmore Edwards Institute, Hayle Terrace.

13 April 2013


04 / 14
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am. The preacher today will be Mr Matthew Care.
Start: 12:00
End: 14:00

The Famous Angarrack Inn

£6.95 Sunday Roast

Quality Roast Meat with Roast Potatoes, Yorkshire

Pudding, Fresh Vegetables and REAL Gravy

Served Every Sunday 12-2pm from Sunday 10th February

Taking Bookings Now

Start: 20:30

Pub Quiz every Sunday 8:30pm

£1 per person to play and the winning team takes the pot!

Play Your Cards Right folllows the quiz.

04 / 15
Start: 11:30
End: 11:45

The mobile library stops at Angarrack Post Box this Monday.

It's free to join the Mobile Library, and there is no fine if you are overdue with your books.

There is a lift for easier access. 

 Well worth a visit!

04 / 16
04 / 17
04 / 18
04 / 19
Start: 10:00
End: 12:00
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre.
04 / 20
04 / 21
Start: 11:00
End: 12:00
You are invited to join members at Angarrack Methodist Church for worship each Sunday morning at 11am. The preacher today will be Mrs Irene Tanner from St Ives.
Start: 12:00
End: 14:00

The Famous Angarrack Inn

£6.95 Sunday Roast

Quality Roast Meat with Roast Potatoes, Yorkshire

Pudding, Fresh Vegetables and REAL Gravy

Served Every Sunday 12-2pm from Sunday 10th February

Taking Bookings Now

Start: 20:30

Pub Quiz every Sunday 8:30pm

£1 per person to play and the winning team takes the pot!

Play Your Cards Right folllows the quiz.

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